Sunday, July 7, 2013

Media Arts as Culture-based Learning

       As seen in the example below, the integrative and cultural nature of media arts as a learning vehicle positions it as a “nexus”, or intermediary hub subject. It connects with all the other arts disciplines and subject areas. It is multimodal; potentially incorporating all senses, physical and mental capacities. It creates a contextually rich learning environment that is authentically real world. This makes the learning meaningful and engaging for students. They are really doing and making things, instead of just studying about doing them.
       This posits a dramatic re-orientation of the educational institution. It suggests that learning can now be situated within robust, cultural productions and experiences, rather than within traditional, teacher-centered presentations and test preparation. Given the premise that students learn better through contextualized, meaningful application, rather than through passive absorption and repetitive drills, then media arts would be a vital means of enhancing the contemporary learning process.

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